Monday, October 12, 2009

gay bar and hospitol.

So I was very excited my friend Faisal...who i love right a coplicated way gave me this link that told me about gay bars in kumamoto city...because a search on google or any of the other sites i went too...say there wernt any. This was the first gay bar i went pretty excited. It was awkward when i first got and my friend geogirina...who has alot of gay friends and such went with me. Yeah i felt bad for opening the door...and just standing was a very small bar, so i ordered a beer, when we decided to go, i asked for the bill 3000 yen....i was like are you fucking kidding me...thats like $32 dollors for a bottle of!!! that mad me upset. so i went and got my bike to go home and my foot got cut and i ended up slicing my toe looked pretty bad, but i was like maybe it will be ok. i cross the street and my shoe was full of i was like this is not good. we decided to stop at a convince store...blood every where...i have a pic but im not putting it up cause yeah. so i was like maybe i need stiches i think i will go to the i badaged it up...after bleeding through 3 or 4 papertowels. We found out how to get there, went filled out alot of paper work ...well georgina filled it out cause my japanese sucks. then the doctor looked at it...decided i didnt need stiches...put a badage on it...big badage and what not and told me to come back tomorrow. i was like ok. go to pay, after the insurence thing which is supposed to cover 70% i paid 4900 yen...which is 5o something U.S. dollors....for a badage...are you kidding me...i felt ripped off hardcore...stupid bike. so yeah i got ripped off alot tonight. also i think that someone should make a system for hospitols that allow a patent to fill out all that hard paperwork in thier own language and tell the hospitol the equivalent in whatever language the people at the hospitol use as to help provide health care... i know i should be able to speak more japanese considering i live here now...and i will get better but sometimes people just can understand because in hospitols its different termanoligy not used on a regular if some could make a computer program to do this that would be awesome...its not like the patient isnt going to be in thier system anyways...also tells them what they need to do to take care of themselves....and to prevent fraud make sure that the system has to get some hardcore copies of thier id's and insurence card....yep sorry for the spelling problems...its been a night i dont really care.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lady Heroine

So, it's sunday, nothing really going on here. I just watched a tv episode of trading spouses.
That was beyond interesting. It was about a christian lady switching places with a lady thats more new age. The show was pretty interesting the christian lady was very loud and very my way or the high way. During the switch, she was head strong which was expected...southern women seem to have that charateristic. Later though when she got home, she flipped out. <---link. that really scares me. Im queer does that mean im dark-sided? I know that is not what she was refering to but i cant help but think that. The fact that someone could hate you because your slightly different is so retarded, she didnt even respect thier view points. Ingurance is bliss, it seems so wrong though the other lady was so nice. Thats how i slightly feel about christianity...its so crazy so igroent to other people and whats going on in thier lives. I dont think christians are bad. my mom is extreme christian in fact she reminded me alot of the lady on the show, though she knows about witchcraft and things....though i think thats only because my sister belives in it. That lady i would never tell her I am queer. I think she would flip out on me hardcore like majorly flip the F out. My mom didnt, she doest think i am and after i told her she told me she loved me. there are some examples of good christians the ones that seem like they truly care...are good people like Jenn. she is amazing good people. Yet thier the ones that dont end up on tv. Thier the ones that end last...that makes me mad they deserve better...even if my mom thinks im bisexual because i think its cool instead of accually being attracked to men and women.......i think that people can really be evil when they are ignorent...they let thier ideas consume them and then they try to push it to the limit...they need to make sure everyone shares it even if its not right for them...i like boys someone telling me im going to hell wont change that...some ideas are like lady heroine they get in your system and lift you higher taking you to places you've never been, so caught up in your day dream, you dont see the world crashing in apon you, trapping you in simple mindedness.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


\hi, my name is William. I currently live in Montana, yay! So yeah I am going to Kumamoto Gakuen University, which is fun, thus far. I am required to keep a blog for a class im taking. I dont really know what I want to talk about at this current moment. I will give all yall out there in the internet world the load down of all my many adventures here in Kumamoto City. I plan to talk about all my extremely random thoughts and my views on everything, from being a forginer in Japan to where ever my noggin takes me. I want to have a disclaimer, I can not spell well, and I am not very skilled at writing gramaticly. Good luck. I hope the mistakes dont persuade you to stop reading my blog. I will put all my thoughts in Japanese on here as well, in the future, when i am more awake. I went to bed around 4 am last night so, feeling kinda cranky...and I need to learn Kanji...hardcore.