Friday, May 14, 2010


So this week, we discussed gender issues in seminar III...which i love. For some reason, this area of soical sience really intrigues me. I cant believe what i saw on the video we was just baffaling. As an american I think that here in america, even though we have racist, sexist, and homophobis....that we generally treat everyone the same. There are a few things such as gays and women in the military, and gay marital rights that arnt so equal...but all of those things are changing in america at a fairly steady state. I think that gay people will hve full rights as straight people in the next 3 or 4 years. I would like to go and check out more on the treatment of women in America and how much it has changed since the 90's video...thats so recent...its just appalling. I do have a good interest in this issue, but i think it is time we move on...I think that this is a really good issue and we probly could talk about it alittle more, but i honestly dont want to spend all my time on this issue. i think that i learned alot last week from the Japanes girls I talked to and personal observations about gender roles in Japan...and how the are inforced and how even a slight change is frowned an interesting artical about how the vegie boys are destroying japan's economy and not helping the birthrate...

So I think what i personally would like to talk about next in seminar is weight issues in japan. So im not skinny, not fat...used to be alittle chubby...but lost a few pounds. Most people in america would say im at a good weight...but japan not so much, everyone here is so skinny its intense...i feel like wow im really out of place(the fact that i dont look like anyone, besides) while in america i had heard about metobo...or people that were over a certain messurment not getting certain health benefits or something like that....cant realy remember...i do remember about how the person who wrote the artical was baffled by how small the measurement that made someone metobo was so low. I also want to talk about eating disorders...i have talked...very people about anerexia, and would like to know more about it and how it affects japanese people, do they talk about it? it seems like alot of my friends are always going on interesting i would like to talk about weight issues in japan...plz

Japanese i spent a entire weekend with only japanese people...brain explostion time...this made me kinda sad...cause well i still suck really really bad. i maybe only understood about half of it...what is wrong with me...i did feel better a little bit this week when i went and hung out with the same people, and understood about 90% but it was alot easier conversation i think...i really need to study more...i wasted today and didnt do now i feel like crap...its ok just one day...but im trying to get into the habit of studying effectively and more then once or twice a skipping a day is not a good thing...doesnt help me....ugh i think i shall write more in japanese...but im worried i wont beable to find people that will help correct my written work...hmmm...

Well have a good week yall!


  1. You ever heard of a website called I use it all the time to write in Japanese and then get corrections from native speakers - it's really useful whatever language you're learning.

    That reminds me, I need to start using it again!

  2. I think the idea about talking about weight issues may be a good one. I think that instead of focusing on the result (whether on is overweight or not) I'd like to focus on food culture (what people eat and how much they eat) and exercise.

    By the way, thanks to selbydate16 for the information about It sounds great. I took a look at the site but have never used it.
