Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So its been two weeks since i posted something....he he, sorry about that.
last week we talked about dolphins....awww....or should i say yummy???
So since seeing that video some of the people have made they're views quite clear...
So basicly here are my own, I think that if they want to eat dolphin then that is thier own volition, in americal we eat all sorts of animals from deer, sheep, snake, chicken, aligator im sure some japanese people whould find some of the things we eat in america...a little bit gross, disturbing and well just to call the film crews. in my mind there really is no justifying why we can eat one animal but not if these people are willing to give up on eating meat...but then again there is the whole human rights then...

i dont however, like how they kill the dolphins. Stabbing something and then letting it bleed to death or drown, whichever happens first, is inhuman to me.

Mercury: So there is alot of talk about how the japanese people shouldnt be eating dolphin because there is lots of mercury....weither or not they are leathal doses of mercery being consumed is unknow.... I think that the japanese people have every right to eat as much mercury...(kill them, make them suffer or whatever happens when your body has too much merc. in it) a choice only they can make.

Knowldege: The lack of knowledge in the families that are buying, or consuming the dolphins is wrong. The packages at the store's should be what they say they are ex: if the package says i am buying whale...then it better be whale in that package. Also if they are giving the meat to the schools then the parents should know what thier kids are eating, and thus be able to opt for different meal plans if thy desire for thier kids not to have above the recommended intake of mercery. Also considering this has to do with mercery...japan has a little experiance with that...they goverment really should be testing this meat and make sure that it is ok...they wouldnt want another minamata problem...

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