Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So the trip to hitoyoshi was interesting I guess. The bus trip was ok for the most part, I didnt really enjoy stopping and getting off to stand in the rain....though i did think that the information was interesting. Afterwords we went to the craftpark which was fine though i didnt accually get to make anything because at first we couldnt find anyone to help us then when we did, we didnt have much time. then we got lost which was not so much fun. When we finally got to the gym, we needed up waiting there for a while...then we decided what food we will get. after that some people went to Onsen, I stayed at the gym and played vollyball which was fun. We ended up having to wait until 9ish for food which sucked really bad cause i was so hungry. After food we started drinking, this was a little awkward because some of the japanese separated themselves from us, closed the door and everything...this made me think they didnt like forgieners or somthing. we ended up going in there anyways and playing some drinking games with them, but still i wonder. I got way too drunk which is sad but it happened. the next day some of us went rafting which was amazing, so much fun. After that we went home on the train...which i slept the whole way lol.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing about the trip. I couldn't do anything about the weather but, in retrospect, I could have done more to help you guys make sense of that map. Sorry. In regard to the late dinner, perhaps we could have worked out a menu or something in advance to speed things up.

    I'm most concerned about the Japanese students forming a group on their own. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to try to address that in class but I appreciate your writing about it.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the rafting.
