Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the cove

So last week we were talking about the cove and some of the problems people have had in japan because of it. Mainly last week we talked about a movie theather that was being protested by the right wings and such. I think this has been the most interesting conversation we have had so far in class. I personally think that it is important for the guy to be able to show what movies he wants. Its important for freedom of speech and so foreth. It is also important that the right wingers are allowed to protest, they have the same rights. I didnt like how they came to his mom's house and asked her about her son and telling her how wrong it is for him to be showing the movie...cause that was just creapy. Its very important for people to do both of these things choose how and what they will express.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks!! I'm glad you were interested in the conversation. I hope we can pick up on some of the same themes.
