Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I want to watch tv..but...DO NOT WANT TO WATCH IT!!!.....HELP!!!

So as for Semniar III class trip...
I really don't know where I would like to travel to. Both placeses seem interesting to me, I would like to go and see the ocean but the dam issuse also seems really intriging. I will have to put more thought into this...also I should try and remember the name of the places we might travel too...this would feel less vauge that way.

Talking about the herbivore guys was interesting, next week I have to give a presitaion about gender issues, I think I will disscuss this. I find it, kinda annoying when people try and dictact other's actions or lifestyle and try and define them with terms that dont nessary fit. Like how in the english article about the herbivores calling them if they were somehow less manly because they like to shop. I think people have thier interests and thats that.

So the real reason im writing this blog..hehe...thought i would never arrive to this point did ya...
So I am of course learning japanese, but i suck really friend told me that he doesnt understand me at all...which really makes me sad cause i have been working so hard on learning it and trying to speak it. when looking up ways to learn japanese...or a language in general i read that it is really good to watch tv or read books stuff like that...two problems...i cant read kanji and even though i am studying it...i cant really just pick up any book and read it. my second problem is...i stopped watching tv 3 or 4 years ago.
I dont like seems so childish to hardcore. I would like to watch dramas...but i dont know what channel to look for them on and i just havnt looked on-line for not interet suavy like some people... I dont understand the comedy shows though much is going on and it all seems so crazy...I honestly would like to have some english subtiles so that i could use the shows to learn new vocab...without being to confused...i dont want the last few months of me being in japan to be wasted...i really do want to learn as much japanese as possible...someone Plz help!!!


  1. Thanks! I appreciate your writing about what we talked about in class and I'd also like to help as much as I can with your study of Japanese. Perhaps we could get together sometime to talk about ways of studying -- including using TV and other media.

  2. Hey that would be awesome. how about next week...wednesday? this that a good day to meet?

  3. I have some time Wednesday afternoon. Are you free in the afternoon?
